News Headlines
Meta Refresh/Redirect

If your page has moved, or you have a need to redirect your visitors automatically, you can use a meta refresh to send them to the page of your choice.
4-Way Screen Resolution Redirect

Use this code snippet to redirect your visitors to the web page that best fits their screen resolution. Covers these 4 screen resolutions, 640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, and greater than 1024x768.
Screen Resolution Redirection

Use this code snippet to redirect your visitors to the web page that best fits their screen resolution.
Browser Type Redirection

Use this code snippet to redirect your visitors to the web page that works best for their browser. You saw when you entered this page that a popup window told you the browser you were using, a variation of this code was used.
Day of the Week Redirect

Use this code snippet to redirect your visitors to the web page that matches the day of the week. You can have a new page for each day of the week!