News Headlines
Link Status Text

Use this code to add individual status bar text messages for each link on your site. There is not limit on the amount of links this can work for.
Status Date/Time Display

Use this code to display the date/time dynamically on the status bar on a particular page. Take a look at the status bar on this page for an example.
Status Text Display

Use this code to edit the status bar text that is visible on a particular page. Take a look at the status bar on this page for an example.
Title Bar Date Display

Use this code snippet to display today's date on your web page TITLE BAR.
Title Bar Date and Time Display

Use this code snippet to display today's date and current time on your web page TITLE BAR.
Dynamic Background Color

Use this code to dynamically change the color of your background. Much easier than some of the more confusing versions out there. Control the color of your background using the links on your site. Control the color using onMouseOver, onMouseOut, onClick, and a combination of all of them.
Scollbar Color Wizard

Use this wizard to create custom scrollbar colors. This script works on IE 5.5 and above.
Dynamic Scrollbar Colors

Use this code to dynamically change the color of your scrollbar. Much easier than some of the more confusing versions out there. Control the color of your scrollbar using the links on your site. Control the color using onMouseOver, onMouseOut, onClick, and a combination of all of them.