\n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write("
Latest Scr"+"ipts\n"); document.write("
\n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write("
Phone Number Field Validation and More...\n"); document.write("

\n"); document.write("
Use this code to add a 3-part date field to your form. It has a few bells and whistles.
\n"); document.write("
\n"); document.write("\n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write("
CSS Text Field Wizard\n"); document.write("

\n"); document.write("
Use this wizard to create stylish form text fields. Specify the color, font face, border width and color, size, and style.
\n"); document.write("
\n"); document.write("\n"); document.write("\n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write("
CSS Button Wizard\n"); document.write("

\n"); document.write("
Use this wizard to create stylish form buttons. Specify the color, font face, border width and color, size, and style. This works in IE and NS 6+ browsers only.
\n"); document.write("
\n"); document.write("\n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write("
Grab Form Field Text\n"); document.write("

\n"); document.write("
Use these instructions to create a 'grab text' option adjacent to your textarea within your forms. You can use any of the 3 options, link, button, or image. See the example in the form below.
\n"); document.write("
\n"); document.write("\n"); document.write("\n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write("
Dynamic TextArea Color Wizard\n"); document.write("

\n"); document.write("
Use this wizard to create dynamic textarea colors schemes. Use this code to set the onLoad (startup), onMouseOver and onMouseOut colors for your textarea fields. Adjust the color schemes for the text, the background color and the scrollbar.
\n"); document.write("
\n"); document.write("\n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write("
Dynamic Scrollbar Color Wizard\n"); document.write("

\n"); document.write("
Use this wizard to create dynamic scrollbar colors schemes that change when the mouse interacts with specified links on your page. Use this code to set the onMouseOver, onMouseOut, and onClick colors for your page scrollbars.
\n"); document.write("
\n"); document.write("\n"); document.write("\n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write("
Button Navigation Wizard\n"); document.write("

\n"); document.write("
Use this wizard to create button links that you can place throughout your site. Like the example you see below.
\n"); document.write("
\n"); document.write("\n"); document.write("\n"); document.write("var win=null;\n"); document.write("function Viewjs_form_elements2edb383(id){\n"); document.write("var rndURL = (1000*Math.random());\n"); document.write("var myname=\"\";\n"); document.write("var w = \"750\";\n"); document.write("var h = \"550\";\n"); document.write("var pos = \"absolute\";\n"); document.write("if(\"absolute\" == \"absolute\"){\n"); document.write("var TopPosition = 10;\n"); document.write("var LeftPosition = 10;\n"); document.write("}\n"); document.write("var mypage = \"http://www.cgiscr"+""+"ipt/csNews/csNews.cgi?database=js_form_elements%2edb&command=viewone&op=t&id=\"+id+\"&rnd=\"+rndURL;\n"); document.write("if(pos==\"random\"){LeftPosition=(screen.width)?Math.floor(Math.random()*(screen.width-w)):100;TopPosition=(screen.height)?Math.floor(Math.random()*((screen.height-h)-75)):100;}\n"); document.write("if(pos==\"center\"){LeftPosition=(screen.width)?(screen.width-w)/2:100;TopPosition=(screen.height)?(screen.height-h)/2:100;}\n"); document.write("else if((pos!=\"center\" && pos!=\"random\" && pos!= \"absolute\") || pos==null){LeftPosition=0;TopPosition=20}\n"); document.write("settings='width='+w+',height='+h+',top='+TopPosition+',left='+LeftPosition+',scrollbars=yes,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=yes,toolbar=no,resizable=yes';\n"); document.write(",myname,settings);\n"); document.write("if(win.focus){win.focus();}}\n"); document.write("\n"); document.write("
\n"); document.write("