document.write("Hide Your Source Code
This tutorial/code will show you all you need to know, and provide you with the scr"+"ipts, to hide your source code."); document.write("
Source Code Encrypting scr"+"ipt
Scramble the source of any chunk of code, or the entire webpage, using this creative scr"+"ipt.
Banner and Link Slideshow
Create a slideshow of your banner advertisements, including links. A series of banners/links are displayed without having to reload the page.
No-Right-Click 1
Use this code to disable the ability of visitors to your site from being able to use the \"Right-Click\" function to save images from your web site. Try to use right-click on this page and you will see an example of the scr"+"ipt in action.
No-Right-Click 2
Use this code to disable the ability of visitors to your site from being able to use the \"Right-Click\" function to save images from your web site. Try to use right-click on this page and you will see an example of the scr"+"ipt in action.
No-Right-Click 3
Use this code to disable the ability of visitors to your site from being able to use the \"Right-Click\" function to save images from your web site. Try to use right-click on this page and you will see an example of the scr"+"ipt in action.
View Source - Current Page
Use this code to display source code of the current document.
View Source Station
Use this code to display source code of any web page on the Internet or your local hard drive.
Window Move-To
Use this code to automatically move a window to a specified X,Y coordinate. For example, you can automatically move a window to X0,Y0 (upper left). Great to use this in pages in your site you link to using target=\"_blank\" (new window) or popup windows. You want them to open up to show more information but you want it placed out of the way.
Dynamic Table Color Changer
Use these instructions to create onMouseover/onMouseout color effects within tables. Change table rows or table cells bgcolor when mouse moves over elements of the table. This scr"+"ipt works on IE only.
Print This Page
Use this code to let your users print the active HTML page.
Auto Page Reload
Use this scr"+"ipt to automatically reload a page at a specified interval. Great for sites that have content that changes over regularly.
Auto Window Resizer
Use this code to automatically resize a window to a specified Width,Height. For example, you can automatically resize a window to 700,500.
Window Maximizer
Use this code to automatically maximize (to fill up screen) any window where the code is placed.
Mailto Link Wizard
Use this wizard to create comprehensive mailto links. Include multiple To: addresses, multiple Cc: addressees, multiple Bcc: addressees, add subject text, include some body text and add the text to be used as a link.
Hold Window Focus
Use this code to make sure a window remains in focus, on top. Great for web site news or smaller popup windows that are easily shuffled under out of focus.
Screen Resolution Display
Use this code snippet to determine and display the screen resolution of your user.
Color Depth Display
Use this code snippet to determine and display the color depth your visitor is using.
Browser Info Display
Use this code snippet to determine and display the type of browser your visitor is using. As seen in the example below .
Bookmark This Site scr"+"ipt
Use this code to let your visitors easily add a bookmark to your site. Fully configurable, you can specify the url and name for the link.
"); document.write(""); document.write("var win=null;"); document.write("function Viewjs_misc2edb69(id){"); document.write("var rndURL = (1000*Math.random());"); document.write("var myname=\"\";"); document.write("var w = \"750\";"); document.write("var h = \"550\";"); document.write("var pos = \"absolute\";"); document.write("if(\"absolute\" == \"absolute\"){"); document.write("var TopPosition = 10;"); document.write("var LeftPosition = 10;"); document.write("}"); document.write("var mypage = \"http://www.cgiscr"+""+"ipt/csNews/csNews.cgi?database=js_misc%2edb&command=viewone&op=r&id=\"+id+\"&rnd=\"+rndURL;"); document.write("if(pos==\"random\"){LeftPosition=(screen.width)?Math.floor(Math.random()*(screen.width-w)):100;TopPosition=(screen.height)?Math.floor(Math.random()*((screen.height-h)-75)):100;}"); document.write("if(pos==\"center\"){LeftPosition=(screen.width)?(screen.width-w)/2:100;TopPosition=(screen.height)?(screen.height-h)/2:100;}"); document.write("else if((pos!=\"center\" && pos!=\"random\" && pos!= \"absolute\") || pos==null){LeftPosition=0;TopPosition=20}"); document.write("settings='width='+w+',height='+h+',top='+TopPosition+',left='+LeftPosition+',scrollbars=yes,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=yes,toolbar=no,resizable=yes';"); document.write(",myname,settings);"); document.write("if(win.focus){win.focus();}}"); document.write("");