\n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write("
News Headlines\n"); document.write("
\n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write("
CSS Links Wizard\n"); document.write("

\n"); document.write("
Use this wizard to create comprehensive dynamic CSS links. Control styles for normal links, active links, visited links and add link hover effects! Hover link effects work in IE and Netscape 6 only.
\n"); document.write("
\n"); document.write("\n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write("
Dynamic Table Color Changer\n"); document.write("

\n"); document.write("
Use these instructions to create onMouseover/onMouseout color effects within tables. Change table rows or table cells bgcolor when mouse moves over elements of the table. This scr"+"ipt works on IE only.
\n"); document.write("
\n"); document.write("\n"); document.write("\n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write("
Dynamic Background Image\n"); document.write("

\n"); document.write("
Use this code to dynamically change the background image. Much easier than some of the more confusing versions out there. Control the background image using the links on your site. Control the color using onMouseOver, onMouseOut, onClick, and a combination of all of them.
\n"); document.write("
\n"); document.write("\n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write("
Dynamic Scrollbar Colors\n"); document.write("

\n"); document.write("
Use this code to dynamically change the color of your scrollbar. Much easier than some of the more confusing versions out there. Control the color of your scrollbar using the links on your site. Control the color using onMouseOver, onMouseOut, onClick, and a combination of all of them.
\n"); document.write("
\n"); document.write("\n"); document.write("\n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write("
Dynamic Background Image\n"); document.write("

\n"); document.write("
Use this code to dynamically change the background image. Much easier than some of the more confusing versions out there. Control the background image using the links on your site. Control the color using onMouseOver, onMouseOut, onClick, and a combination of all of them.
\n"); document.write("
\n"); document.write("\n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write("
Dynamic Background Color\n"); document.write("

\n"); document.write("
Use this code to dynamically change the color of your background. Much easier than some of the more confusing versions out there. Control the color of your background using the links on your site. Control the color using onMouseOver, onMouseOut, onClick, and a combination of all of them.
\n"); document.write("
\n"); document.write("\n"); document.write("\n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write("
Dynamic TextArea Color Wizard\n"); document.write("

\n"); document.write("
Use this wizard to create dynamic textarea colors schemes. Use this code to set the onLoad (startup), onMouseOver and onMouseOut colors for your textarea fields. Adjust the color schemes for the text, the background color and the scrollbar.
\n"); document.write("
\n"); document.write("\n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write("
Dynamic Scrollbar Color Wizard\n"); document.write("

\n"); document.write("
Use this wizard to create dynamic scrollbar colors schemes that change when the mouse interacts with specified links on your page. Use this code to set the onMouseOver, onMouseOut, and onClick colors for your page scrollbars.
\n"); document.write("
\n"); document.write("\n"); document.write("\n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write(" \n"); document.write("
Link Status Text\n"); document.write("

\n"); document.write("
Use this code to add individual status bar text messages for each link on your site. There is not limit on the amount of links this can work for.
\n"); document.write("
\n"); document.write("\n"); document.write("\n"); document.write("var win=null;\n"); document.write("function Viewjs_mouse_tricks2edb947(id){\n"); document.write("var rndURL = (1000*Math.random());\n"); document.write("var myname=\"\";\n"); document.write("var w = \"750\";\n"); document.write("var h = \"550\";\n"); document.write("var pos = \"absolute\";\n"); document.write("if(\"absolute\" == \"absolute\"){\n"); document.write("var TopPosition = 10;\n"); document.write("var LeftPosition = 10;\n"); document.write("}\n"); document.write("var mypage = \"http://www.cgiscr"+""+"ipt/csNews/csNews.cgi?database=js_mouse_tricks%2edb&command=viewone&op=t&id=\"+id+\"&rnd=\"+rndURL;\n"); document.write("if(pos==\"random\"){LeftPosition=(screen.width)?Math.floor(Math.random()*(screen.width-w)):100;TopPosition=(screen.height)?Math.floor(Math.random()*((screen.height-h)-75)):100;}\n"); document.write("if(pos==\"center\"){LeftPosition=(screen.width)?(screen.width-w)/2:100;TopPosition=(screen.height)?(screen.height-h)/2:100;}\n"); document.write("else if((pos!=\"center\" && pos!=\"random\" && pos!= \"absolute\") || pos==null){LeftPosition=0;TopPosition=20}\n"); document.write("settings='width='+w+',height='+h+',top='+TopPosition+',left='+LeftPosition+',scrollbars=yes,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=yes,toolbar=no,resizable=yes';\n"); document.write(",myname,settings);\n"); document.write("if(win.focus){win.focus();}}\n"); document.write("\n"); document.write("
\n"); document.write("