document.write("Flying Popup Window
Use this code snippet to create a popup window that flies around the screen. Perfect for getting the attention of your web site visitor. Announce new features of your site, announce new products. Many cool uses.
PopUp Making Wizard, w/Cookies!
Use the Ace Generation 3 Popup Wizard, with cookies to easily add popup windows to your web site. The windows are activated by clicking on a link, button, when a page loads or unloads, and can be adjusted to any degree of detail you desire, such as dimensions, scrollbars, toolbar etc. You can now set the window to use cookies. Set the window to popup only once per visitor or at set interval per visitor.
Hidden Popup Spawner
Now you to can own the code that is used to power those annoying web sites that seems to open popup windows from nowhere! Actually the primary reason we are giving this code away is that other companies are charging for such an easy piece of code.
\"BYE\" Popup - onUnload
This scr"+"ipt is designed to open a window when the users are leaving your site. For example, when they leave your site you can open a window that says thank you for visiting. When they say \"BYE\" you can say, \"Not so fast!\"
Open 2 Popups at Once
The code below opens 2 popup windows at once. Edit the code to get the 2 windows you want to open.
Auto Window Resizer
Use this code to automatically resize a window to a specified Width,Height. For example, you can automatically resize a window to 700,500.
Window Move-To
Use this code to automatically move a window to a specified X,Y coordinate. For example, you can automatically move a window to X0,Y0 (upper left). Great to use this in pages in your site you link to using target=\"_blank\" (new window) or popup windows. You want them to open up to show more information but you want it placed out of the way.
Window Maximizer
Use this code to automatically maximize (to fill up screen) any window where the code is placed.
Hold Window Focus
Use this code to make sure a window remains in focus, on top. Great for web site news or smaller popup windows that are easily shuffled under out of focus.
Popup Window Close Methods
Here you will find a few methods to close windows. Select from the list below to jump to the code. Use the instructions near each method. Close window after time interval, Use a link to close popup, Use a button to close popup, Use an image to close a link and Use 'click anywhere' method to close popup.
Popup Window Closer - Timer
Use this code to get a popup window to close after a pre-determined amount of time. For example, set an advertisement popup window to remain open for 15 seconds, then it automatically closes.
Popup Window Closer - Text Link
To get a popup window to close it is common to add a link that will allow the user to \"Close Window\".
Popup Window Closer - Image
To get a popup window to close it is common to add an image link that will allow the user to \"Close Window\".
Popup Window Closer - Click Anywhere
A not so common method to close windows is using a 'click anywhere' method. The code specifies that if the popup loses focus or is clicked the popup closes. Basically anywhere you click will close the window.
Popup Window Closer - Button
To get a popup window to close it is common to add a button that will allow the user to \"Close Window\".
"); document.write(""); document.write("var win=null;"); document.write("function Viewjs_windows2edb639(id){"); document.write("var rndURL = (1000*Math.random());"); document.write("var myname=\"\";"); document.write("var w = \"750\";"); document.write("var h = \"550\";"); document.write("var pos = \"absolute\";"); document.write("if(\"absolute\" == \"absolute\"){"); document.write("var TopPosition = 10;"); document.write("var LeftPosition = 10;"); document.write("}"); document.write("var mypage = \"http://www.cgiscr"+""+"ipt/csNews/csNews.cgi?database=js_windows%2edb&command=viewone&op=r&id=\"+id+\"&rnd=\"+rndURL;"); document.write("if(pos==\"random\"){LeftPosition=(screen.width)?Math.floor(Math.random()*(screen.width-w)):100;TopPosition=(screen.height)?Math.floor(Math.random()*((screen.height-h)-75)):100;}"); document.write("if(pos==\"center\"){LeftPosition=(screen.width)?(screen.width-w)/2:100;TopPosition=(screen.height)?(screen.height-h)/2:100;}"); document.write("else if((pos!=\"center\" && pos!=\"random\" && pos!= \"absolute\") || pos==null){LeftPosition=0;TopPosition=20}"); document.write("settings='width='+w+',height='+h+',top='+TopPosition+',left='+LeftPosition+',scrollbars=yes,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=yes,toolbar=no,resizable=yes';"); document.write(",myname,settings);"); document.write("if(win.focus){win.focus();}}"); document.write("");